Sunday, March 25, 2012

Slim Pickings Saturday

This Saturday I wandered out to Buffalo to visit my sister and her family and of course that also meant an early morning stop to Savers near her house. The pickings were slim, but I came home with a few useful items. Of course that also meant I didn't go over my thrift budget, which is always a nice thing too, right?

This is the second vintage yarn crafter I've found for the store (sadly I still haven't listed the first one), but this one was unopened, and still has the plastic wrapping around the box, with the original price tage. It's pretty cool.

I'm always on the look out for embroidery books that have patterns I've never seen before. I don't keep the books around for long. It's easier to photocopy or scan what I want and pass the book along back out into the big bad crafty world for someone new to discover.

Check out these awesome goldtone metal hands. They were kind of neat. I plan to put them on the store for some crafter to work their magic with. It's rare to find something so cool. I have no clue what they could have been used for. Anyone have any ideas?

O.K. I have to admit that I haven't found a Vera piece in a VERY long time and I feel a bit sad about it actually, but I did spot this vintage scarf. I thought it might do well on the store, as the colors are very in right now.

Yes, this guy is mine. I've already hung him up in a small spot where the staircase meets the wall. You don't see him until you get to that point on the stairs, which I think is neat. I like hiding art in fun nooks here and there.

This is my favorite weekend treasure. While visiting my sister she mentioned all of the excess she had left over from her scrap book business, and that someone hadn't paid for the marker set they ordered. I bought it at a reduced cost. I've been looking for a decent set of double tipped markers for a while now.

I can't wait to start playing with them, but there are too many other projects out right now being finished up. I'll get there I know, but it's a one day at a time deal. I'm working on finishing up a free raffle to promote my new facebook page, so that's taking a little while. Almost there though! Stay tuned. Happy Monday everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. The vintage scarf colors are just lovely Lisa. You already have quite a few items in your store with these colours so it will fit in beautifully.
