Friday, March 18, 2011

Thirft Purging

My attentions have turned lately to the resale of items that I have spent a life time collecting. It's not hard to see right now that the economy isn't the greatest, so I made the decision at the beginning of the year, that there really wasn't any reason to hold onto the bins and tubs full of fun stuff I've accrued. I'm not a hoarder, please don't think that, it's just that I love to buy the fun stuff when I see it, and it's been stored for much too long. It's not fair to keep some of these fun things from the world. Also, there is really no point to hang onto it especially if it can provide a small buffer to my budget with the rising price of gas and utilities, rent and medical expenses. It really just makes sense. I'm actually frustrated by the fact that I can do it any faster than I have been listing on my Etsy store, due to current medical issues, and I hope to get to it on a more full time basis soon. At the same time it's very exciting when someone does buy and love the items I sell. 

The main item I seem to collect is fabric. I am a self proclaimed fabric whore, no way around it. It's as if it seeks me out. I have collected vintage sheets, towels, curtains, clothing, you name it I have it stashed somewhere, and now there are bins and bins of fabric stacked nicely throughout my studio. I'm enjoying cutting up my vintage sheets into cute little quarter fat bundles, but in some cases the fabric I've listed has been hard to watch go. I have to remember however, that in the end the person on the other side of the transaction really wanted and loves it. Why is it we form attachments to objects?

I can't explain the attachment really, but I find now that my attitude has changed to purging it, keeping only what I think I will truly use, and sending the rest out into the craft world to become fun new things. It's time to let go a little and let someone else enjoy it.

Is there any item in particular that you gravitate towards when you are out on the thrift hunt? What in items have a way of seeking you out?

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain! I sometimes pick up lovely things because it feels so wrong to leave them there among all the junk. Even if I dont use it myself, I will give it to friends or sell it to people who will appreciate it. Search and Rescue, lol.

    I have to be careful though since I hate clutter and this behavior can be an easy way to clutter up a house. I dont want to have a house that looks like the very thrift stores I frequent :-)

    Love those fabrics by the way.
