Saturday, August 27, 2011

Questionable Thrift Donations...You decide.

On our lunch hours from work, my BFF and favorite partner in rummaging, Kristie (seen above putting some plates from the top shelf, next to the matching ones on the shelf below) and I like to puruse the aisles of the closest thrift stores to work. We have two that are amazing, and we try to go every other week or so. We always have a good chuckle at some of the random crap that ends up at these stores. Sometimes we even arrange items so they interact with each other too.
So what do you think of this lovely bobble head married couple below? I mean was this a wedding favor? Was it a cake topper (which is over the top)? Or has the Dick's marriage just gone wrong? You decide and who would re-buy it? Oh now that I'm thinking about it I could buy it, spray paint it and make them into zombies...that would be fun!

Scariness number two... photos. What would possess a person to donate their family photos? She's a happy little one isn't she? I considered buying it just to start a fake family portrait gallery of my own. How awesome would that be? We could give them all names and histories too. Next time perhaps.


  1. It always makes me sad when I see family pictures or awards at thrift stores.

  2. I kind of feel like Grammy Goodwill does about family photos at thrift stores.

    I gotta say too I feel kinda sorry for the bobble head couple. I think they are probably not a couple any more in real life. I hope they each found their perfect mate and did not make bobble-head models of themselves with the new people.
